AI COPILOT - Hal is the onboard AI system that serves as the brain and nervous system of the Elizabeth Swann, a solar and hydrogen-powered ship. This advanced AI is responsible for a wide range of functions, including: 1. Ship Systems Management: Hal oversees the operation of all onboard systems, from propulsion and navigation to energy management and environmental controls. 2. Human Interface: Hal interacts with the crew, providing information, responding to queries, and assisting with tasks. It acts as a central hub for communication and coordination. 3. Sensors and Systems: Hal is integrated with the ship's various sensors, including those for navigation, weather, and environmental monitoring. It processes and interprets this data to ensure the ship's safe and efficient operation.


CYBERCORE GENETICA - The CyberCore Genetica™ is the world's smallest, fastest, and most powerful super nano computer. In an open and transparent demonstration, to which all governments around the world, and the top computer companies were invited. The CyberCore outperformed the most powerful military mainframes that existed at that time, several million times over in speed. Despite this, the top bidder was a secret organization coming out of Brazil, though, the identity and geographical location of the new owner, was protected. And the inventor of the system, William Bates (Billy the Kid) thereafter disappeared off the grid, fearful that he would be imprisoned and interrogated by corrupt military, to force him to develop similar systems for them. And indeed, that was what saved him, and gave John Storm the edge. If William Bates had not gone to ground, the CIA, FSB and MI6, all had plans to force the technology from the former NanoCom™ developer. It would not have been pretty.

CyberCore Genetica works exceptionally well with the BioCore™ human brain interface, to give the user instant access to the web at incredible speed.




It was by sheer happenstance that John Storm and his crewmate Dan Hawk came into possession of the CyberCore Genetica™ super nano-computer. The CIA almost took that from under their noses in a raid on a laboratory along the Amazon River not far from Manaus. But they were late for the sortie.


John and Dan were supposed to meet Charley Temple and Jack Mason's black ops team on the banks of the river, but the nosey reporter was captured by security guards working for Neuwelt Ritterum, a group of scientists working to make a better world as they saw it. Jack Mason very nearly stopped Dan Hawk carrying the little Omega watch and boxes of notes and other electronic equipment - which looked like junk to the CIA operative - aboard the Elizabeth Swann. Though, he did take note of the boxes, he also spotted the two thugs laying on the dockside; obviously zapped by Hal AI™. Thinking better of testing Hal's resolve when it came to protecting his Captain, Mason looked the other way, more for self-preservation. Feigning indifference.


John and Dan had no idea of the capabilities of the little Omega watch, except it looked very smart, and the case was crafted in gold. Charley, on the other hand, had her suspicions. She had heard of an auction for a very fast computer, where the buyers had paid $20 billion dollars, beating the best military bids. And then the inventor William Bates, known as Silicon Valley's "Billy the Kid" had simply vanished off the face of the earth.










Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – A groundbreaking technological achievement has been unveiled in Brazil, with the introduction of CyberCore Genetica, the world's most powerful supercomputer. This quantum computing marvel, acquired for a staggering $20 billion, is poised to revolutionize the fields of genetics and biotechnology.

Developed by a secretive group of scientists operating from clandestine laboratories in Brazil, CyberCore Genetica™ was specifically designed to handle the immense computational demands of tasks such as cloning ancient DNA. The supercomputer's unparalleled processing power has enabled researchers to decode and analyze the genome of Cleopatra, a 2000-year-old mummy, at unprecedented speeds.

CyberCore Genetica was acquired to push the boundaries of human knowledge. Their ambitious goal: to clone the iconic Egyptian Queen of the Nile.

This unprecedented feat has opened up new possibilities for genetic research, including the potential to resurrect extinct species and cure previously incurable diseases.

The implications of this breakthrough are far-reaching. By unlocking the secrets of ancient DNA, scientists can gain valuable insights into human evolution, genetic diseases, and the development of new medical treatments. CyberCore Genetica's ability to process genetic information at lightning speed is also crucial for the development of personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to an individual's unique genetic makeup.

Beyond its medical applications, CyberCore Genetica has the potential to transform various industries. In agriculture, it can be used to create genetically modified crops with enhanced yields and resistance to pests and diseases. In materials science, it can help design new materials with superior properties, such as increased strength or conductivity.

The acquisition of CyberCore Genetica represents a significant investment in scientific research and development. As this powerful tool is harnessed to tackle complex challenges, it is expected to drive innovation and advance human knowledge in ways that were previously unimaginable.

As this powerful tool continues to evolve, it is likely to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of medicine, biology, and our understanding of the natural world.







A Quantum Leap in Computing - In the hallowed halls of scientific achievement, a new star has risen - the CyberCore Genetica™. This nano supercomputer, no larger than a thumbnail, defies conventional wisdom. Its creator, the enigmatic William Bates, has woven magic into silicon, birthing a computational marvel that transcends mere transistors.

The Genesis of CyberCore Genetica

Bates, affectionately known as ‘Billy the Kid,’ embarked on a clandestine odyssey. His mission? To shrink a fully functional hybrid computer and communications device onto a single nano-chip. Five years of tireless research culminated in a wristwatch-sized prototype - a testament to human ingenuity.

The Omega L.E.D. Watch: A Surprising Chassis

Picture this: an elegant Omega L.E.D. digital watch from the 1970s, its brushed 18ct gold case gleaming. But beneath its classic facade lies the heart of CyberCore Genetica. Bates repurposed this heirloom, replacing the octagonal synthetic ruby face with a high-definition LCD display. Voice-activated and powered by an enhanced CyberCore Genetica™ mobile interface, it defies expectations.

The Nano-Chip: A Universe Within

Within that tiny chip resides a computational universe. CyberCore Genetica™ outperforms colossal server computers a millionfold. Its multiple processors dance in harmony, decoding the human genome at speeds that once seemed fantastical. Bates’s genius lies not in patents but in demonstration - showing the world what’s possible without revealing the intricate workings on paper.

The Cleopatra Connection

And now, the pièce de résistance: Cleopatra’s resurrection. Brazilian scientists, shrouded in secrecy, wielded CyberCore Genetica™ to decode ancient mummy DNA. Their replication process, akin to cosmic alchemy, breathed life into history. Cleopatra, reborn from millennia-old strands, whispers secrets to the nano-chip that made her resurrection possible.

Beyond Earth: A Cosmic Odyssey

But CyberCore Genetica™ isn’t bound by terrestrial constraints. Imagine a future where it guides interstellar colonization. Genetic payloads encoded within its circuits, seeding life on distant planets. Cancer cured, crops enhanced, and humanity reaching for the stars - all orchestrated by this electronic maestro.

Closing Thoughts

As the world marvels at CyberCore Genetica™, we glimpse our own potential. In its circuits, we find hope—a beacon guiding us toward a future where science and imagination intertwine. Bates’s legacy echoes through time, reminding us that sometimes, the smallest chips harbor the grandest dreams.

Note: The events described here are fictional, but the spirit of innovation and wonder is very real.



Breaking News: Elizabeth Swann’s Cutting-Edge AI Technology Unveiled! By Jane Archer, Maritime Correspondent. London, August 21, 2044 — In a stunning revelation, the solar and hydrogen-powered vessel Elizabeth Swann has showcased its groundbreaking onboard AI system, Hal, which promises to revolutionize naval operations. As the world grapples with environmental challenges and geopolitical tensions, this technology could be a game-changer for peacekeeping missions. HAL'S MULTIFACETED CAPABILITIES 1. Situational Awareness Above and Below the Waves: - Underwater Sensors: Hal interfaces seamlessly with the ship’s advanced underwater sensors. It constructs a real-time, 3D map of the ocean floor, detecting anomalies, wrecks, and even potential hidden structures. - Radio and Satellite Decoding: Hal intercepts encrypted radio and satellite transmissions, providing critical intelligence. During Operation Neptune: Atlantis, it played a pivotal role in tracking the rogue submarine and uncovering the radioactive coolant leak.





London, UK – A groundbreaking technological marvel aboard the Elizabeth Swann, known as the ARK, is poised to revolutionize medicine and biology. This massive DNA database, painstakingly curated by John Storm over his lifetime, holds a digital record of countless species from across the globe.

One promising application of the ARK lies in the realm of cancer treatment. By studying the genetic makeup of cancerous cells, researchers can identify specific mutations contributing to the disease. Using CRISPR technology, a gene-editing tool, scientists may be able to correct these mutations and potentially eliminate cancer cells.

The ARK's potential benefits extend far beyond Earth. As humanity ventures into space, this digital repository of genetic information could be invaluable for establishing self-sustaining colonies on other planets. By using the ARK to create artificial ecosystems and produce essential resources, future generations may be able to thrive in extraterrestrial environments.

A Medical Toolkit for the Future

The implications are staggering. The ARK could revolutionize medicine. Cancer treatments tailored to an individual’s unique genetic makeup. Crop enhancements that defy pests and climate extremes. But it doesn’t stop there. The ARK might be humanity’s ticket to the stars - a genetic payload for interstellar colonization. Imagine life on distant planets, seeded by the ARK’s carefully curated DNA.








The Elizabeth Swann is autonomously piloted by Captain Nemo, named after the Captain of the Nautilus in Jules Verne's classic: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. A stand alone unmanned navigation system.


The Swann is a virtual super-fortress, armed with Merlin, Excalibur and Pendragon air and water defense systems, and Hal AI™, the onboard supercomputer that ensures all threats to the safety of the trimaran ship are eliminated. And that includes cyber attacks as well as the use of force and weapons.


As an artificial intelligence, Hal was spellbound when John accidentally becomes a super-human when injected with a CRISPR virus in Manaus, while rescuing his friend Charley Temple from a group of scientists, who managed to clone Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh Queen of Ancient Egypt. Hal noted the increase in his Captain's strength and increased intelligence, that helped him to rescue Cleopatra from the CIA.





CHARLEY TEMPLE - Has a nose for trouble that often lands her in hot water. She was kidnapped and interrogated in laboratories near Manaus, along the Amazon River. Where she was used as bait to capture John Storm, for his ARK.










Admiral Lawrence Francis Percival 

First Sealord, British Royal Navy

Antonio Guterres

United Nations' Secretary General

ARK, The

The world's most comprehensive interactive DNA database

Benjamin Reid Blakestone RN

Submariner Commander HMS Neptune (Captain)


A digital communication interface for the human brain

Captain Nemo

AI onboard computer system

Charley Temple

Researcher & camerwoman, good friend of John Storm

CyberCore Genetica

The world's smallest, fastest & most powerful supercomputer

Dan Hawk (Daniel)

Electronics & computer wizard, crew member Elizabeth Swann

Dr Roberta Treadstone

Blue Shield, Newcastle University, England

Edward (Honest John) Thomas

Honest British Prime Minister, Rt Hon MP Member Parliament

Elizabeth Swann

Fastest solar/hydrogen ship & floating laboratory

Excalibur, Pendragon & Merlin

Anti piracy weapon & ship security system

George Franks

Legal and intelligence trust manager, Swindles & Gentry


The onboard AI Copilot supercomputer ship systems manager

Jill Bird

Senior BBC news world service anchor

John Storm

Ocean adventurer, marine archaeologist, Commander RN

Katy, Kitty

The ships cat and lucky mascot

King Charles III

Beleaguered Monarch wrestling with UK corruption

Kitack Lim

Secretary General, International Maritime Organization (IMO)


Elizabeth Swann's onboard survey ROV


Aristocles - Ancient Greek philosopher who wrote about Atlantis

Professor Douglas Storm

John Storm's uncle, designer of Elizabeth Swann

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO sunken realms division, conservationist

Richard Leon (Lionheart) Engelheart

Lieutenant, a brave submariner HMS Neptune

Sam Hollis

BBC & Sky freelance investigative reporter Caribbean regions

SSN Neptune

Stricken Astute nuclear sub with Spearfish torpedoes

Steve Green

Freelance reporter, friend of Charley Temple

Suki Hall

A marine biologist, admirer of John's work

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor, always looking for an exclusive

Trisha Lippard

Cleopatra's call sign to protect her royal identity

William (Bill) Fennick Windsor

Midshipman, HMS Neptune (Kings College, Uni, London)

William Liam Wallace

Scottish director BAE Systems, MOD contractor, whistleblower




Bartram (Sly) Fox 

Crafty compact acrobatic subaqua diver Terramental - ‘Sly Fox’

Bobby Bo Dallas

Navigator handy Terramental, biologist, video evidence

Don (Donald) Malcolm Campbell

Chief Executive Babcock, MOD subcontractor

Harry (Dirty) Hallem Holland

Chief Constable - Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police)

Inspector Shaun Flanagan

Dirty Harry's sidekick, (DI) fraud squad cover ups 

Jorges Francisco Dicaprio

Cuban freedom fighter & Predator submersible designer

Maximilian (Maxy) Mohune

Pilot of mini sub, ex air force, SAS hard man Terramental

Nick (The Devil) Johnson MP

Corrupt UK Minister for Defence, oil investor

Redan (Red) Simdo

Leader Terramentalists (Oxford grad. 35 tall dark Arabian)

Predator HK

A high speed hunter-killer submersible

Sergeant Gordon Scotford

Corrupt Met cop who sexually assaulted & beat Zera Masken

Sir Rodney Vernon Dunbar

MI6 military intelligence (General) oil investor


A group of protestors driven to extreme activism

Zera Charlotte Masken

Stunningly attractive climate obsessed Terramental

Zinzi Penelope Diana

Saudi demure Terramental scientist (Lady Penelope)




Zera Masken Domineering logical obsessed single mum Terramental Rachel Weiss
Zinzi Jamha Psychotic single dark busty Terramental diver
Maxy Mohune Pilot of mini sub, ex air force, hard man Terramental
Bartram (Ram) Fox The ‘Fox’ – crafty small and lean Terramental
Robe Trax Ex submariner, brother killed Afghanistan Terramental
Bo (bby) Dallas Navigator and general deck hand Terramental
Bruce Campbell Triple agent cannot be trusted (Dr Zachary)
Robin Cain 
Stuart Cantrell
Richard Hurst 
Kelly Botulo SBS UK contingent assigned SN 
Luana Tumako Feisty blonde (Naomi Watts)
Rex Barker Navy seal
Boris Farber Navy seal
Shaun O’Connell Navy seal
Pat Brady 
Todd O’Brien 
Mike Harris
Jack Hawkins Royal Navy Captian of Surefire. (short blonde hair, 5’ 11” slim)




In the John Storm series of ocean awareness adventures, the extreme activists use their Predator HK to steal an Astute class submarine, belonging to the British Royal Navy. The anti global warming terrorists plan to steal US and Soviet submarines, as part of their agenda to prove the futility of all out thermonuclear annihilation. Using their own illegal, weapons against the perpetrators of what they see as crimes against humanity.


In this fictional John Storm adventure, the Astute submarine commandeered, develops radiation leaks, making the vessel dangerous to life in the ocean, and eventually, those submariners operating the vessel, adding to the list of complaints of the Terramentalists.













 This website is Copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd., August 2024. Asserted as per the Berne Convention.

In this fictional story, the characters and events are the product of the author's imagination.