Astute class submarine, British Royal Navy


THE TARGET - Terramentals aim to steal a British Royal Navy submarine, to destroy oil wells in the North Sea, by way of drawing attention to the manifold oil discharges, and their unlawful detention, as legitimate conservation protestors.





King Charles III was crowned on Saturday the 6th of May 2023 in London, England. According to the media and protestors who lined the Mall, he was at the time, not the most popular of monarchs, but probably not as disliked as his namesake Charles I who was executed for treason by Oliver Cromwell, or George I who triggered coronation riots.


Though in the UK it is fair to say that protesting is a dicey business, with many Human Rights (freedom of speech and peaceful assembly) becoming effectively quashed - most notably by the Metropolitan police. As the Kingdom descends into a virtual police state. The King become even less influential and unable to influence the goings on in Whitehall and behind the scenes in the Houses of Parliament, as more a marionette headpiece.


It is not that the King is unaware of corruption, it is more that the corruption had become entrenched with so many long term cover ups, that he, like his mother before him, feels obliged to tow the 'Party' line, than open the can of worms - and never admit to wrong doing. The Party being whoever is elected to power, as the Government of the day. But then, Edward Thomas PM, is a breath of fresh air to politics; an honest politician.


Much of the UK's ails stem from the escalating National Debt (£2.7 trillion @ May 2023) and cost of living crisis, borne of vision-less leaders, which crashed the NHS and other public services, including rutting and potholes in highways across the land, virtually stripped of tarmac in some locations. Where councils are having to fend off years of institutionalised discrimination and empire building, a practice that is now coming back to haunt them.


King Charles has been in the Royal Navy and felt a great personal loss, along with his mother Queen Elizabeth II, when the Royal Yacht Britannia was decommissioned and not replaced - another casualty to continued borrowings. In this fictional story, Charles is not in the best of places, worn down over the years of waiting in line, and grooming Prince William to take on the Throne, with a rebellious Prince Harry as the royal backup, or 'spare' as he famously describes himself. The 'Firm' has been accused of being an institution that discriminates by the back door. Megan Markle being perceived as a thorn in their sides, rather than an asset, in the move to modernisation, and moderate globalization, in the twilight years of the ember of the former British Empire.


The Royal Family are not helped by the obvious links of British monarchs to slavery: Ref King Charles II and the African Royal Trading Company, and King George's South Sea Bubble. Something else they would do well to put to rest. Howsoever to make amends.









The economy, as usual, was in a dreadful state on Coronation day, nose diving at an alarming rate since Margaret Thatcher in 1979, and her Poll Tax riots in 1990. No matter how the King, or his mother, Queen Elizabeth II protested poor performance privately from Buckingham Palace, the Prime Ministers the monarch(s) appointed (without much choice in the matter) just kept on borrowing as a quick fix, getting the very much divided, United Kingdom, into hotter financial water; deeper in debt. As the MPs milked their positions of trust while in power, without a thought for the eventual abyss they created for the workers in society; the electorate.


It must have been clear to the King and his advisors that corruption in Parliament, Police, in the Military and in Councils all across the land had been out of control for many a year. But the Queen, and now the King, dare not admit to that, since traditionally, the monarchy try to remain detached from politics, to insulated them from the real world dramas, to add to their own in-house. But, the whole of the British front on the international stage remained a carefully calculated farce of sorts. Where the Royals needed to maintain the illusion of justice and fair play - in stiff upper lip tradition. Accomplished, in time honored fashion with medals, titles and ceremonies.


Despite these ails, King Charles did not believe for a minute, that Scotland Yard would stoop to fabricating evidence to convict innocent protestors. Worse still, he is genuinely shocked to learn that one of his nuclear submarines can be hijacked, then as the unfolding drama reveals, the level of MOD/MI6 corruption, including procurement fraud and undeclared fossil fuel investments by 'trusted' MPs, that are prolonging the transition to renewables.


The devastating combination of these failings, (fictionally) galvanizes the King to action, as far as he may.


In recognition that the braking effect this had on transitioning to renewables - would not afford the UK a fighting chance to become a clean energy exporter, reducing transport, factory and home energy costs - to make the country competitive with creative and other exports. And most of all to help those on low incomes and the retired, who had invested in the nation, and were being dashed in their twilight years, least able to fend for themselves.




King Charles III during the Coronation at Westminster Abbey, 6th May 2023









Admiral Lawrence Francis Percival 

First Sealord, British Royal Navy

Antonio Guterres

United Nations' Secretary General

ARK, The

The world's most comprehensive interactive DNA database

Benjamin Reid Blakestone RN

Submariner Commander HMS Neptune (Captain)


A digital communication interface for the human brain

Captain Nemo

AI onboard computer system

Charley Temple

Researcher & camerwoman, good friend of John Storm

CyberCore Genetica

The world's smallest, fastest & most powerful supercomputer

Dan Hawk (Daniel)

Electronics & computer wizard, crew member Elizabeth Swann

Dr Roberta Treadstone

Blue Shield, Newcastle University, England

Edward (Honest John) Thomas

Honest British Prime Minister, Rt Hon MP Member Parliament

Elizabeth Swann

Fastest solar/hydrogen ship & floating laboratory

Excalibur, Pendragon & Merlin

Anti piracy weapon & ship security system

George Franks

Legal and intelligence trust manager, Swindles & Gentry


The onboard AI Copilot supercomputer ship systems manager

Jill Bird

Senior BBC news world service anchor

John Storm

Ocean adventurer, marine archaeologist, Commander RN

Katy, Kitty

The ships cat and lucky mascot

King Charles III

Beleaguered Monarch wrestling with UK corruption

Kitack Lim

Secretary General, International Maritime Organization (IMO)


Elizabeth Swann's onboard survey ROV


Aristocles - Ancient Greek philosopher who wrote about Atlantis

Professor Douglas Storm

John Storm's uncle, designer of Elizabeth Swann

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO sunken realms division, conservationist

Richard Leon (Lionheart) Engelheart

Lieutenant, a brave submariner HMS Neptune

Sam Hollis

BBC & Sky freelance investigative reporter Caribbean regions

SSN Neptune

Stricken Astute nuclear sub with Spearfish torpedoes

Steve Green

Freelance reporter, friend of Charley Temple

Suki Hall

A marine biologist, admirer of John's work

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor, always looking for an exclusive

Trish Lippard

Cleopatra's call sign to protect her royal identity

William (Bill) Fennick Windsor

Midshipman, HMS Neptune (Kings College, Uni, London)

William Liam Wallace

Scottish director BAE Systems, MOD contractor, whistleblower





Bartram (Sly) Fox 

Crafty compact acrobatic subaqua diver Terramental - ‘Sly Fox’

Bobby Bo Dallas

Navigator handy Terramental, biologist, video evidence

Don (Donald) Malcolm Campbell

Chief Executive Babcock, MOD subcontractor

Harry (Dirty) Hallem Holland

Chief Constable - Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police)

Inspector Shaun Flanagan

Dirty Harry's sidekick, (DI) fraud squad cover ups 

Jorges Francisco Dicaprio

Cuban freedom fighter & Predator submersible designer

Maximilian (Maxy) Mohune

Pilot of mini sub, ex air force, SAS hard man Terramental

Nick (The Devil) Johnson MP

Corrupt UK Minister for Defence, oil investor

Redan (Red) Simdo

Leader Terramentalists (Oxford grad. 35 tall dark Arabian)

Predator HK

A high speed hunter-killer submersible

Sergeant Gordon Scotford

Corrupt Met cop who sexually assaulted & beat Zera Masken

Sir Rodney Vernon Dunbar

MI6 military intelligence (General) oil investor


A group of protestors driven to extreme activism

Zera Charlotte Masken

Stunningly attractive climate obsessed Terramental

Zinzi Penelope Diana

Saudi demure Terramental scientist (Lady Penelope)










PRIME MINISTERS CORNERED - From 1979 to 2023. This represents 40 years of ingrained corruption and negligent administrations. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the leader of His Majesty's Government. They chair Cabinet meetings. It is the highest civil office in the United Kingdom.








The appointment of a prime minister by the monarch is based on advice. However, though the advice is technically informal, the monarch would create a constitutional crisis if they did not comply. Therefore, in practice, what is decided in the House of Commons is the decisive event - no matter it is wrong - of the candidate is wholly unsuitable in the role. The voters elect Members of Parliament (MPs), and the MPs choose the prime minister. The system grew in stages as the Commons grew in power and the monarch's authority reduced. Though, if the appointed Prime Minister, is clearly incapable, or unfit for office, in theory, the King could call for a new candidate, if he had the gumption. The obvious recent candidate for sacking, would be Boris Johnson, for misleading Parliament and lying to the Queen about proroguing Parliament. Margaret Thatcher was the inflation queen @ 21.9%. At the beginning of her reign, debt was around 50% of GDP, rising to 103% in 2021, under Boris Johnson. Reflecting the sad fact, that all of the above pictured (Mr Sunack as yet untested) were rubbish at their jobs. It should have been zero inflation and a positive bank balance. Older Government Bonds are now difficult to trade - as new ones offer a much higher interest rate.







SLAVERS - Openly trading in human misery, forsaking the lives of millions of people, in the quest for wealth and power. One might argue that if the British had not done so, that another nation would have stepped up to the lectern. The fact remains, any form of royal family (perpetuating a class society), no matter where, has reached that status on the backs of the subjects that toiled and died, chained to outdated policies, and now to the banking institutions that rule our lives, just as effectively as the Gestapo in Nazi Germany. And that is due to equitable dis-equilibrium. Fiscal policies that still enslave us, save only in financial chains. None the less chains that drain the life out of us. For the benefit of a financial taskmaster, who knows not the meaning of good honest toil. But lives in luxury at the expense of the ordinary working woman and man.




In the John Storm series of ocean awareness adventures, extreme activists use their Predator HK submersible, to steal an Astute class submarine, belonging to the British Royal Navy. The anti global warming terrorists plan to steal US and Soviet submarines, as part of their agenda to prove the futility of all out thermonuclear annihilation. Using their own illegal, weapons against the perpetrators of what they see as crimes against humanity.


In this fictional John Storm adventure, the Astute submarine commandeered, develops radiation leaks, making the vessel dangerous to life in the ocean, and eventually, those submariners operating the vessel, adding to the list of complaints of the Terramentalists.













 This website is Copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd., May 2023. Asserted as per the Berne Convention.

In this fictional story, the characters and events are the product of the author's imagination.